An Ohio mother whose doctor recommended she abort her unborn child for medical reasons will attend Heartbeat International’s Babies Go to Congress in the Nation’s Capital later this week, accompanied by the son whom she chose to carry to term 10 years ago.
Ruth’s story
When Ruth learned she was pregnant in 2012 and told one of her doctors, the physician recommended she abort due to a surgery she had previously undergone.
“I was told I couldn’t have any more babies,” she said, “so when I got pregnant, it was really a surprise.”
Because she didn’t want to abort, Ruth sought a second opinion from another specialty doctor, who had an association with the Pregnancy Care Center in Wooster. He gave her a different perspective.
“He told me, ‘Ruth, we’re going to take really good care of you,’” she recalled. “I didn’t know what to do – this was a blessing because I had been told I couldn’t have any more babies, and yet I’m being told it’s dangerous.”
Despite her second doctor’s words and referral to the center, and support from The Gabriel Project, Ruth said she felt nervous and afraid. When the time came for her appointment at the center, she did not go.
“I felt I had no one to talk to; it was just my daughter and me at that time,” Ruth said. “I felt ashamed, and that people would judge me.”
But the center staff was compassionate with her in her situation.
“They sent someone to my house,” she explained. “She was so nice! She spent time getting to know me. She explained how the Pregnancy Care Center worked and what they did there.”
Her new, in-center appointment took place the following week.
“I learned so much from the Pregnancy Care Center,” Ruth continued. “They have so many programs!”
“I had never known how abortion was done, never in my life, and when they showed me videos, I got chills (and) kind of sick,” he said. “I told them, ‘This is what I’ve been told, and honestly, I don’t want to do it, but I don’t know what to do.’”
“The (center) staff and client advocates worked together to supply me with the information I needed to make an informed decision,” Ruth said.
Tweet This: “The center staff worked to supply me with the information I needed to make an informed decision”- pregnancy help client
Having an ultrasound also helped her choose life for her child.
“When I saw my baby on the screen and heard the heartbeat, I knew I was going to be okay,” Ruth said.
“Babies are a gift from God,” she added. “I see my Victor (now) – and oh, wow! My life hasn’t been the same.”

Sharing blessings, giving back
Ruth and her son help the Pregnancy Care Center in a variety of ways. Victor even spoke at one of the organization’s banquets and last year, he served as a greeter, Ruth said.
She and Victor leave for Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, May 11, for Heartbeat's Babies Go to Congress, where moms and children who have been served by pregnancy help centers meet with federal lawmakers to tell their stories and illustrate that pregnancy help centers are good for America. Ruth said she plans to tell her story to any Members of Congress and staff that they meet.

with Heartbeat International's Babies Go to Congress
“I’m going to share my testimony about how my doctor told me to have an abortion because the surgery would be compromised,” she said. “I get nervous (speaking), but Victor is totally opposite. I admire that kid! I don’t know how he does it. He’s the kind of boy that, when he goes into a room, he lights up the room.”
She believes Victor will also speak with the Congress members and staff.
Tweet This: Ruth & son Victor will share their pregnancy help story this week on Capitol Hill with Heartbeat International's Babies Go to Congress
In addition to being brave and social, Victor is smart and inquisitive. Last year, he asked his mother if she had wanted to abort him.
“I said, ‘No, Victor,’ and I explained to him what happened and that the doctor was thinking of my safety,” she said.
Ruth’s family grew after Victor’s birth when she became pregnant and gave birth to another boy. Her water broke at 25 weeks, and she was taken to a “high-risk hospital, and I was there for six weeks,” she said.
Her new son was born at 30 weeks, Ruth said.
Both boys have biblical middle names.
“My Victor – his name is Victor David, and the young one is Ernesto Daniel,” she said. “They’re fighters.”

giving back to the Pregnancy Care Center
Ruth happily shares her story with others. During her pregnancy with Victor, she took a friend to the Pregnancy Care Center when that woman said she was considering abortion.
“I told her my experience, and told her what I learned about abortion,” Ruth said. “She didn’t believe me, so I took her (to PCC).”
The woman also now has a son, a year younger than Victor, and the two boys are friends.
“It’s beautiful!” Ruth said.
“I don’t regret anything about my pregnancy (with Victor),” she added. “He is the joy of my life.”
Tweet This: “I don’t regret anything about my pregnancy. He is the joy of my life" - Mom advised to abort who chose life with pregnancy help
Editor’s note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.