The deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, along with their preborn children, highlight the lethal combination of abortion drugs and the medical abandonment abortion providers view as the new normal.
As women actively search for answers in challenging circumstances, they are vulnerable to abortion misinformation. Leading medical organizations, led by abortion proponents, have pronounced the abortion pill “safe”, despite an abundance of evidence of its dangers. And those who sell it, promote abortion chemicals as safer than Tylenol, Viagra or penicillin, “private,” non-invasive, and “natural.”

Media collaborated to blame laws that limit abortion for the deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller.
It’s unlikely Amber or Candi, or the vast majority of women who will swallow the abortion pill today have clear understanding of the horror they are about to experience.
What did Amber and Candi deserve?
They should have been provided:
- A clear understanding of the abortion process with informed consent
- An explanation of the physical and psychological risks of abortion
- True medical care including preassessment, evaluation for coercion, and informed consent
- Alternatives to abortion and an explanation of options
- Long-term support and resources
- Hope for the future
The abortion industry offered them none of these things.
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Amber Thurman and Candi Miller were just two of the more than 70 million women who will choose abortion worldwide, annually according to the Guttmacher Institute, including 46 million–58 million who will choose chemical over surgical abortion.
Amber and Candi shared some commonalities. Both had other children but were convinced they could not parent their last babies. Both initiated and managed their own abortions at home and both suffered greatly during the process. Both took the same deadly combination of medications mifepristone/misoprostol. And both physically deteriorated and anguished for days before succumbing to the complications of their abortions.
As women search on their phones and laptops for quick answers, they're typically not going to find crucial data on the risks of mifepristone, certainly not in comparison to Tylenol.
They're not going to see that Tylenol, taken much more frequently than the abortion pill for a broad variety of reasons, is consumed 3.2 billion times in the U.S. - far more often than abortion drugs - which are taken specifically to end a pregnancy. They're not going to see that the nearly 3.2 billion doses of acetaminophen taken in the United States each year result in about 56,000 ER visits from accidental or intentional overdose of the drug.
They won't see that less than 1% of those who take Tylenol seek emergency care but about 6% of women seek emergency care after taking mifepristone. The reality is the risk of an ER visit with this abortion drug is 107 times greater than for acetaminophen/Tylenol.
These women will not see statistics illustrating that reality or that this is not an equal comparison to the abortion pill - but they probably will have heard the pro-abortion talking point that it's safer than Tylenol and that talking point will put them at greater risk.
Because Big Tech aligns with Big Abortion, women are unlikely to find in a Google search data regarding chemical abortion dangers. The reality is that it has four times the risk of complications than surgical abortion with ER visits increased by 500%.
Tweet This: Amber Thurman & Candi Miller deserved informed consent, pre-assessment, options & resource counseling & got none from the abortion industry.
Abortion advertising often downplays that women will be abandoned by their abortion provider during what is likely to be the most painful and fearful moments of their lives. It’s unlikely to be apparent to someone desperate for an answer how likely she is to have a hemorrhage requiring medical intervention to save her life. Or she may not be warned of the life-threatening infection she could incur if the abortion isn’t obviously complete, especially since mifepristone and misoprostol are known immune suppressors.
Many do not understand they will initiate their abortions, manage their own symptoms, and dispose of their own babies.
Women deserve to have all the information regarding a procedure which will be life-changing and potentially life-ending for both her and her child, not just what abortion proponents choose to share.
Is this a legitimate form of healthcare?
- Self-screening without a pregnancy test, ultrasound, assessment for coercion, health evaluation, other options, or no long-term support.
- No warning of serious adverse events.
- Drugs with dangerous potential, handed to women by non-medical personnel.
- Packages arriving to doorsteps around the county obtained through telehealth appointments and websites.
- Friends and family handing off surplus supplies of mifepristone and misoprostol.
What about state laws that prohibit or limit abortion?
Telehealth abortions are now more than 20% of all abortions with thousands accessed under shield laws each month. Thousands of women in states with abortion bans and restrictions are receiving abortion pills in the mail from states that have laws protecting prescribers.
In addition, abortion drugs are pouring in across the southern border. Mifepristone and misoprostol are sold in Mexico without a prescription to men and women who frequently bring these drugs into the United States for resale.
Candi Miller, who did not know the gestational age of her baby, ordered her abortion drugs for $80 from AidAccess. The abortion drugs delivered to her home; Candi administered her own abortion. In addition to the mifepristone/misoprostol drugs in her system, she was found with a lethal combination of painkillers including fentanyl.
AidAccess has long operated in interstate commerce of abortion sales and openly provides the abortion pill to those in all 50 states, no matter what state laws are in place. The co-founder and co-director of Plan C who boasts that they provide abortion by mail to every state, stated, “We see medication abortion as being a potentially transformative and disruptive technology in the face of these unjust laws that are being passed.” AidAccess sells abortion to 7,000 people each month.
Amber Thurman was handed her pills across a clinic counter, then returned to her home state to abort her preborn twins without pre-assessment or medical oversight.

Are abortion providers concerned about unlimited access of these dangerous drugs?
Dr. Daniel Grossman, an abortion provider and liaison member of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America National Medical Committee, states, “It’s easier to potentially access them through various channels. And the pills are very safe and effective, unlike ... methods of unsafe abortion or methods that people might have used on their own in the 1960s.”
Yet Grossman admits that “retaining pregnancy tissue and requiring vacuum aspiration happens for 3% to 5% of people who have a medication abortion.” With one million abortions occurring in the U.S. in 2023, this represents thousands of adverse events every year.
Shouldn’t the FDA and healthcare organizations protect women in the U.S.?
While organizations such as American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have worked to force-fit abortion into the healthcare community, they have simultaneously failed U.S. women. They continue to permit these drugs to remain on the market, and have also have worked to remove safety nets that once provided some level of protection for women. In addition, they have consistently looked away from those prescribing into states with abortion restrictions and dozens of websites selling abortion drugs.

A simple WhatsApp chat initiates an online abortion purchase.
Who receives these patients when complications inevitably occur?
Although abortion prescribers and website drug dealers have seemingly been given the green light by regulating agencies to send abortion into any U.S. state, they are not required to offer any care during or following the abortion process. Instead, hospital emergency departments are receiving these women by the thousands.
Abortion proponents continue to misguide women to hide their consumption of abortion drugs and advise clinicians not to ask. This keeps responsibility off abortion providers and hides the many adverse events. This direction, which is contrary to the drug manufacturer guidelines, has been proven dangerous in studies which show double the complications when there is a miscoding of miscarriage versus abortion.
The abortion industry’s incompetence is evident as women continue to present in ERs with hemorrhages and infections during or following their abortions. No matter which state the woman resides, healthcare providers are able to exercise their medical judgment to treat women with pregnancy emergencies. This includes the thousands who have life-threatening symptoms following the abortion pill.
The responsibility for this preventable harm falls solely on the abortion industry who have silenced all advocacy for women’s safety. Yet, the abortion industry, along with its propaganda wing in media fully blames protective laws for their drug’s deadly outcomes.
Big Abortion created the abortion pill, promoted it as a safe and effective way to end a pregnancy, and they need to be held accountable for every life they have taken – this includes the losses of Amber and Candi.