Rebekah Hagan
Abortion Pill Rescue brought to life in video with moms, babies, and nurses
Abortion Pill Reversal praised on Capitol Hill
AMA: Here’s living proof that Abortion Pill Reversal treatment works
- Emotional research sheds new light on women’s experiences with Abortion Pill Reversal
Expectant mothers finding more support in Advokate Life programs
One of the first APR moms recalls the day she got a second chance at choice
Real-life power of abortion pill reversal front & center at Heartbeat Conference as women with firsthand experience share perspective
This is Chemical Abortion; website and docuseries give the truth about risky abortion regimen
Virtual fundraising events dominant with pregnancy help orgs for now
“His life still mattered - And I had to stop trying to end it” - APR mom shares her story with pro-life youth
“It's a different day when you can see the fruit of pregnancy help coming back”- Heartbeat International president on EWTN