How Tumbling Walls Build Us Up

How Tumbling Walls Build Us Up

The other day I was speaking to a pastor’s breakfast on behalf of one of our fellow pregnancy help ministries in Oregon when something I’ve already known for years struck me once again.

I’m not sure how many churches were represented at this intimate event (5? 10? More?) but as I looked around the room I understood yet another reason why I believe God loves what we do.

There are many reasons of course, why God would be pleased with our work. We seek to rescue his littlest and most vulnerable. We minister to the poor. We bring families together. We share the hope of salvation with so many. All great reasons why one would agree we are doing God’s work.

On this day, however, I looked around the room as I spoke about the woman at the well. A bit of digression here, but we go to the “woman at the well” story a lot, don’t we? For all of us in pregnancy help, this story of the Samaritan Woman is an endless well of connection to our work, springing up time and time again. (Get it? A “spring” of living water? All right, moving on...)

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As I was talking I looked left and made eye contact with two Catholic priests. In front of me was a Baptist. Over there, a pastor from a Vineyard fellowship. To my right, a non-denominational pastor. Oh, and a pastor from a Cowboy Church—who visits the Vineyard church after services are complete at the Cowboy church.

These pastors could have a heyday arguing theological divisions. The differences among this group—should anyone choose to focus on them—would not just be vast, they would be Grand Canyon-esque, if that is a word.

I mentioned to them that we likely had differences in the room. There was no need to detail them though; it didn’t matter. What I said instead was, “But we are united in this: God is our father, Jesus Christ is his son and leads us into a relationship with the father.”

Sure, there were differences on how we might enter that relationship. But there’s no doubt we all have core beliefs—simple and straight-forward—which we all agree on. And because we agree on the core issues of the faith, we can work together.

But here is the kicker, for me. Pregnancy help ministries are a home where we—Catholic, Evangelical, Protestant, whatever—can serve in a common mission. At pregnancy help ministry events, it is a joy to see all of us united in a powerful way, standing together for a calling which is so much greater than our differences. 

I’m not sure what the throne of God looks like and I can’t explain the scene in Heaven today. But as we unite—all of us from so many different backgrounds—I believe God turns to his son at his right hand and says, “This is what I like to see.”

Tweet This: One more reason we know #prolife work is God's work. @KirkWalden 

We—pregnancy help ministries in America and across the globe—bring people together. It’s a joy to watch and an honor to be a part of. 

As we continue to grow, let’s always remember we are truly better together. When we unite, any walls that might divide come tumbling down. And when those walls fall, all of us grow stronger. 

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