Calm during corona

Calm during corona (Hand of Hope Pregnancy Centers Facebook)

We wanted to share a little bit of our experience today in our Raleigh center.

Sidewalks in front of abortion clinics can admittedly and honestly be hotly-contested areas.

“Passionate sides” compete for dominance and the same exact audience. That audience is the woman walking into the abortion clinic.

Today’s audience was plentiful; and social distancing and personal protective equipment such as masks were all but completely absent.

The abortion clinic’s parking lot did not have a single space available. Our hearts broke over each and every vehicle that represented a mother and a father and their tiny, developing baby obviously at risk to be aborted today.

BUT GOD. God always, always, always is right on time, isn’t He?

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Our Sidewalk Team was ready to serve even with the coronavirus threat looming around in the air and domineering the air waves of media coverage.

We had read and had heard directly from women that they were being told to, “hurry and get your abortion before the government makes us all quarantine and you can’t get one.”

We also know that the wisest and best response in a crisis is to stay calm.

Our methods have not changed on the sidewalk or in our centers. “Crisis” is not a new term or concept for us. We live in crisis; but we have a Calm Who guides us. We continue to provide a compassionate, graceful and merciful approach to the woman seeking an abortion. We have prayed for an extra measure of peace and calm in the storm of this health crisis. And that health crisis is the life of that unique, irreplaceable tiny little baby.

Tweet This: “Crisis” isn't a new concept 4us. We live in crisis. We continue 2provide a compassionate & merciful approach 2the woman seeking abortion

Yes, we are aware of the dangers of the Chinese Wuhan Virus; and we have instituted safety measures and pre-screening precautions. Yet our focus continues to be on speaking for the speechless and loving on their parents through a Christ-centered foundation.

Hand of Hope Pregnancy Centers exist to share life-affirming options in unplanned pregnancy, even amidst a national health emergency.

If not us, then who?

Tweet This: Pregnancy centers exist 2 share life-affirming options in unplanned pregnancy, even amidst a national health emergency. If not us, then who?

We take our mission and method very personally. Wouldn’t you want someone to be there for your daughter or your son if they were the ones walking into that abortion clinic today? EVEN during an unprecedented national emergency such as our country has never seen? I think you would want that.

We were very thankful that those of the differing methods mind-set were absent today, as it gave us an opportunity to have several long conversations with NINE WOMEN who were not completely confident in their pregnancy decision. Nine women who wanted to take a bit longer to make their final decision. We know of one sweet woman who completely changed her mind and chose life for her baby today! Praise Jesus! Three other moms are still pregnant tonight and are taking some time to think through some of the real answers we provided to them from their pointed questions. Please pray that they will keep their follow-up appointments in our centers.

As long as abortion clinics in North Carolina continue to offer only ending little lives and ruining others, we will continue to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves as we seek to pour out our heart like water before the face of the Lord for the lives of our young children. (Matthew & Lamentations)

Our continued prayers for protection and safety for the most vulnerable among us abound. We pray regularly for President Trump and Vice President Pence, Dr. Fauci and the incredible Corona Virus Response Team and the hundreds across our country dealing with this contagion.

God is STILL the Great Physician and I’m sure we could all comment on the many ways He has healed us of various illnesses and sicknesses. He still does that. And we are trusting that He will do it again.

For life, my friends, for LIFE.

Editor's note: Tonya Baker Nelson is founder and CEO of Hand of Hope Pregnancy Centers in North Carolina. She posted this on the Centers' Facebook page regarding the ministry's work amid the COVID-19 pandemic on Saturday, March 21. It is reprinted here with permission.

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