postabortion healing
1 in 3 women worldwide become depressed after abortion: study
- A mother shatters the lies of reproductive choice
Abortion contributes to subsequent cases of postpartum depression; new study
Abortion recovery group raising funds to buy ex-abortion clinic
Abortion's toll on one family
Are civil rights and reproductive rights comparable?
- From abortion healing to pregnancy help; one woman’s story of redemption
Healed by grace: Amy’s abortion story
High price of failing to address the emotional aftermath of abortion
Inmate serving life sentence for murder transfigured by the child he had a hand in aborting in his youth
Layers of healing after abortion: Milka’s story
Let’s forgo the false compassion of abortion and offer women real love
- Loss of a beloved pet can open the door to abortion healing
- Mother’s Day can be a difficult reminder of abortion, but redemption is possible
One in seven men is suffering over a child lost to abortion; study
- Pete Buttigieg says men are ‘more free’ with unlimited abortion access - A father who lost a child to abortion responds
Pro-life advocates mourn Vicki Thorn, founder of Project Rachel healing ministry
Pushing back against darkness - California couple creates ministry from abortion experience
Silent No More celebrates 20 years of post-abortion healing
- The 2024 election will impact abortion healing ministries