Unplanned Movie Scholarship
"God had really made plans for my life” - Unplanned actress remains committed to making a difference
"It will never be the wrong decision to give that baby life" - single mom gets help with Unplanned scholarship
"She’s a pretty great mom" - Unplanned Movie Scholarship has its first award
Ashley Bratcher of Unplanned makes good on pro-life scholarship pledge
Focus on the Family again set to celebrate, ‘see’ life
Her life is better than she could have imagined; Mom who chose life achieves her education goal
Mother of teen who chose life for her baby urges encouragement, support for moms in unplanned pregnancy
Single mom credits pregnancy help center for life-changing support
The movie that changed the conversation about abortion is still changing lives
Women can achieve their dreams while being a mother - Another mom honored with Unplanned Movie Scholarship
Women deserve to know abortion is not the only option
“Amazing,” “inspirational,” young mom surprised with Unplanned Movie Scholarship
“Beautiful example of what it looks like to overcome” – another mom receives Unplanned Movie Scholarship
“Don't be scared,” there is support: young mom who chose life to others in her situation
“Excited” and “appreciative,” latest mom receives Unplanned Movie Scholarship
“We're really excited about her” - Unplanned Movie actress awards scholarship a Heartbeat Conference
“You’re doing a beautiful work, and that will continue” – Gratitude for the pregnancy help movement